This is an extension of the timer idea to develop it into its own mobile app that syncs with your Simpleology account
I woke up yesterday morning thinking about a timer that is simple to use. I have looked at timer add-ons for basecamp, which is use at work, and they all have a bit of quirkiness to them. So this idea is to make the timer its own app that interfaces and syncs with the main Simpleology software. Basically you track estimated and actual time, giving you a sense of how well you are allocating time to targets. When you do Start My Day, you assign time to each target using 15 minute increments. Minimum increment is 15 minutes. A two-hour estimated task would be 8 -15 minute increments. The timer is then used to track actual time, and records it to the targets. This then serves to see how you spent your time and also to help train yourself to be more accurate in your estimation. The timer can alert you when you reach the estimated allotted time, and you can choose to keep working/timing or stop the task. If you stop the task without clicking it as done, then it could allow you to add to dream catcher for more work later, or mark complete and break down the remaining work to do into the dream catcher. When you estimate the allotted times on your daily targets, the daily target list will have total time estimated at the bottom so you can see how much work you have given yourself for the day.