Project Description: WYSIWYG and/or simple HTML allowed when publishing to the Simpleology Marketplace
When you go to publish a project, the description has no WYSIWYG editor. This makes it not possible when publishing a project by yourself to embed any sort of supporting sales material such as embedded mp3 streams, videos, or links.
One example is on my project:
I want to link to my soundcloud page and have a link in there with the tracks they can go and listen to, but the link is not clickable.
I only put the link there because I cannot embed the soudcloud mp3 tracks, which I would prefer to do and not even link out anywhere else. I want to keep them on the sales page, and would like for them to be able to listen to the tracks first streaming them with the soundcloud widget instead of putting an unclickable link to that page.
I see many uses of having HTML be part of the published description area, even minimal things such as bold, underline, italic, embed, etc.