Show the scheduled item when arrived on the daily target list of that day
If I schedule a task to be done after tomorrow,
I want it to appear on my daily targets list when that day arrive "after tomorrow" for exemple

Certainly see your point in that items set with a reminder date appearing in your Daily Targets on or after that date would make things convenient.
However, this logic is already employed in Start My Day (and not Daily Targets for good reason).
If, as you should be, you go through Start My Day – – items with a reminder date equal to or less than today will appear for processing (just like you’re requesting for Daily Targets).
The difference is, in Start My Day you can intelligently decide, of those items, which you’re going to do today, and which you aren’t. For those you aren’t, you can adjust the reminder date and continue with Start My Day.
At the end of the Start My Day process you’ll have a far more intelligent and honest list of tasks to do today — over having items “just show up one day” and automatically be added to your daily list of things to do.
Our suggest, use Start My Day daily. It’s a habit that will change your life.