Engines: Please add a second action so that engines can also assign labels
I use labels to filter my daily targets down to specific areas I'm working on right now. But if I add a new item via an engine, it doesn't have a label. So it would be great if could type "dt kk key holder" and then the item would be added to the daily targets (dt) with the label "kankyo kaizen" (kk).

Just finished updates to Simpleology Engines – https://my.simpleology.com/#engines – that now allow you to Apply a Label to any given Dream Catcher entry.
Additionally, you now have the option to move a Dream Catcher entry to the Top of any given List (i.e. you can create an Engine that starts with: “dt-top” that moves items to the top of Daily Targets).
You can of course chain Engines together, but be mindful that to when you use “starts with” or “ends with”, Engines will only look for those two instances. To truly chain Engines together combine and/or exclusively use “that contains”.
For your example, "…would be great if could type “dt kk key holder” and then the item would be added to the daily targets (dt) with the label “kankyo kaizen” (kk)" … we suggest you set up an Engine that “starts with” “dt” and moves the entry to Daily Targets, and a second Engine “that contains” “kk” and applies the label “kankyo kaizen”.
Enjoy, and let us know if you have any problems.