"Have to" vs "Want to" Targets
I would love to see a separation between "Have to" targets and "Want to" targets for each day. I love being rewarded with finishing my targets each day with the pop up. That feels great.
However, I like putting things on my list that aren't absolutely necessary, but would make me smile if I could get them done. (ie "Make cookies for the new neighbors.")
I find that these kinds of tasks build up. I could put them on a list, but then they may get lost as I forget to go back in a reasonable amount of time to return them to my to do list.
I could set a reminder date, but I can't always predict what day is going to be good for me.
For this, I would love to have my daily targets be clean and neat: "Finish all these tasks before going to bed. That is a must."
Then if, no WHEN, I finish them I can move on to my fun "want to" list. And I am not looking at the want to's while looking at the have to's. And I am still rewarded when I finish the have to's. And I don't feel daunted by my want to's when I sign in the next morning and see they are unfinished.
Do you follow??