Consistent use of icons through Simpleology
When amending my LIST records I had been flummoxed by the sub-task icon that sits to the right.
The reasons for that are that firstly the blue icon is indeed a clickable icon when the it appears against a list in Dailey Targets and secondly, when I mouse hover the blue icon on the List page my mouse does change to suggest it is a clickable link - so I've been click, click, clicking and demanding my screen to change to no avail!
It took an accidental click in using the new system to realise that I should access the sub-task list to view and amend my putting the overlay option to ON and clicking the icon within that in order to update the sub-task list.
Perhaps this is something that should be changed so that the blue icons have the same function across the service to remove that confusion.

This week’s improvements to the Options Overlay should resolve most, if not all of your issues.