Link to the Vision Board from the Stay Focused screen of Start My Day
To be honest, I have not opened the Vision Board since checking it out on the day it was first released. The reason, I think, is just because as a feature it is hidden away under the "Tools" menu - during my regular, daily use of Simpleology I have very little reason to click on the Tools menu so this feature gets forgotten.
As Start My Day is a daily routine, incorporating the Vision Board somewhere in this process will encourage and result in more use of it. The logical place for it to be, in my opinion, is on the Stay Focused screen because the primary purpose of a Vision Board is to focus you on, and motivate you toward, your goals.
Not everyone will use the Vision Board so it should not be a separate module of Start My Day, but having the option to click a button and open it up if people want to use it would be very useful.
The Vision Board can open up in an overlay screen so that when a person is finished with it and closes it, they go straight back into the Start My Day process.

Mark Jones commented
I do think Vision Boards are great ideas that work but getting to it is just too far out of the way. I feel its full potential is being missed by not presenting it more obviously to the user.