'Making Continuous Improvements' step in 'Start My Day' Observation Log Color Sorted
Make Continuous Improvemtent step 3 of 'Start My Day: Sort observations logged somehow to differentiate whether Money, Time, or Energy: Leech or booster. It would be great if the user could define the colors or some other marker/s so that when looking at the observation log it would be easy to see what were leeches and what were boosters and in what categories so that it is easier to make sense of, as sometimes for the desire for speed some of us (me anyway) write short phrases or even one word and it has led to some ambiguity when reading through the observations.
Then the user could also be given the freedom to display any number of the 6 possible categories as a way to really focus on what the patterns have been and where there is improvement.
I'm loving the color options on the Daily Targets and would love to see something similar here thanks. :)<3(: Namaste

Dylan Haddock commented
It's had been awhile since being active with Simpleology. As I was going through the system the other day, I noticed that the observation log is visible with such a sorting mechanism. While it would still be nice to have it sorted during the "Start My Day" step, one could always have both the "Start my Day" and "Observation Log" in different tabs.