Make it possible to add Backward Plans to Major Focus targets, not just Stuff I Want targets
One problem I find with the current system is that if you create a backward plan on a "Stuff I Want" target, then transfer an item from the Backward Planner list into one of the Major Focus targets, you cannot then backward plan on those Major Focus targets because Backward Planners are only creatable on the Stuff I Want screen.
I like to break tasks down using a "step-wise refinement" approach; e.g. starting with a Stuff I Want target (the big picture), and breaking that down into Long Term, Medium Term and/or Short Term Focus targets transferring them to those screens. But then I might like to Backward Plan each of these targets too, and assign them to either shorter term focuses or as a Daily Target (depending on how small the task is and if it can be achieved in a day or several weeks).
The flexibility to do this would only requires adding the ability to create a Backward Plan on each the Major Focuses (from those screens) rather than just on the Stuff I Want screen.
I can then choose to plan for a Stuff I want Target either in large chunks and then break them down to smaller chunks - adding to Major Focus screens, or start off at the beginning planning in smaller chunks (if the target is small) adding each step straight to Daily Targets list.
(This may be similar to some other requests here but I found some of their descriptions confusing or the processes/terminology at odds with how the Simpleology system actually works.)

Rebecca Fogg commented
SOLVED - at the bottom of each of the Major Focus tabs there is the backward planner section. You can add all of your steps (in any order) and then drag them around to rearrange them.
kurt petrich commented
Yeah, backward planner seems to be a "create once" kind of tool. once you use it to kickstart your system, you seem to never look at it again unless you are creating a goal from scratch. I like the backward planner idea alot, and would like to use it iteratively to refine each of my lists of stuff to do, but... it seems to have gotten shoved to the backseat in my workflow.