A Simpleology Calendar would keep everything together and, of course, make it simpler.
A Simpleology Calendar will allow:
1) scheduling immediately
2) viewing all scheduled tasks
3) setting reminders
4) copying to other calendars
5) deleting
6) rescheduling
7) move to Mental Lockbox or any other tab selected
When "Start My Day" opens up:
1) the scheduled tasks for that day will appear
2) daily reminders will appear
These will be handled exactly like a new task.
They will now go through the "Steps" again for handling.
In the scheduling step,
1) keep the manual option
2) keep google
3) keep outlook
4) add simpleology
5) add option to place in more than one calendar at a time securely (for example - simpleology calendar and outlook calendar)
Thank you!

Christina Belardinelli commented
It would be simpeler to have a calendar function built into this fantastic product! Very functional too. I'm in! This suggestion is well thought through.
Pretty Please :)
Patricia LoPiccolo commented
This would be fantastic! I'd love the ability to be able to look at a calendar and schedule tasks into a "dump" spot - maybe the dream catcher - from there. Often I need to be looking at a calendar to schedule my month and reminders. If while looking at a calendar I could click on a date and have that task added to the dream catcher with that date attached as due date that would be fantastic. Then I can go in and organize the tasks as needed!
Amy Hunter commented
I am only five days into simpleology and I was coming here to suggest adding a simpleology calendar, but it's already been suggested much more thouroughly than I would have! Part of the reason I am excited to be trying simpleology is to have everything in one place. I never open my other calander! That's part of my problem. I don't remembr to check it, so everything I put in there gets overlooked. The first day I attempted to schedule something. Then when I realized it wasn't going to pop up in start my day, I've since just entered everything into "Do it Now", which can make my list feel a bit overwhelming some days. But I don't want to chance forgetting something.
Jens Reineking commented
Whatever you do, please keep the existing options since I use my Google Calendar also to co-ordinate with others.
What would be nice would be way to sync a calendar in Simpleololgy with GCal. -
Donna Hunter commented
I agree with the others, I do not want to go to another calendar for my schedule. I want to be able to do it all in simpleology!
Rosemary Brits commented
Please, please add a simpleology calendar that works with the lists. When you "schedule" or make an item "recurr" it shoudl go in the simpleology calendar (or other calendar is you choose) AND it appears on the relevant list. Then all outstanding items form your calendar lists, including today's items will appear in your "start my day" process. The value of the system is to keep everything in ONE place and cut out the noise ...
Wayne Stehle commented
I would prefer to schedule and manage my day completely in Simpleology. I do not want to move my tasks to some other calendar. If you add this I'll upgrade immediately!
Saz Bailey commented
The key here for me is that my scheduled tasks appear within my task list of the appropriate scheduled day - not in my calendar as a diary entry. Keep task management as a single list within Simpleology where it's meant to be instead of checking other entries. (Unless of course I'm doing the whole thing wrong!).
Eric Montgomery commented
Yes and/or integrate a calendar into Simpleology that could possibly be synced up or downloaded to our phones, laptops, ipads, etc. Perhaps the scheduled task list tab can be downloaded into our apps?
ada ferrer commented
Yes, I agree. I end up just putting everything in "do now" so as not to have to reenter it later.
Cherish flieder commented
I agree, this would be an awesome benefit and keep the double work out of our lives.