Give the ability to label Daily Targets as pertaining to Time, Energy, Money or any custom value
I find it useful to categorise my targets in terms of whether they are designed to increasing my Time, Energy or Money Power. Most of my targets fit into these categories in some way. Labelling them like this in a clear visual way would enable me to ensure that I have chosen a well-balanced set of targets for the day, and select which targets to focus on depending on the need at the time.
The current system enables colour coding daily targets but without textual labels to remind what the colours stand for this isn't as useful.
This feature would provide the ability to assign targets to default or custom categories with a text label and colour code.
By default, the labels "Time", "Energy" and "Money" can be provided to tie in with Simpleology 101. Custom labelling can also be provided for those who require additional labels or who prefer to use other labels besides the three given above (e.g. "Business", "Personal" etc.)
The system could provide an on-screen legend on the Daily Targets screen (much the same way as it does on the "Do It, Deliberate, Dump It" screen) to help us know what colours belong to which category.
Optionally, I would prefer if the colour codes did not colour the whole row as using darker colours make the text unreadable. Colouring only a section at the beginning of the Target column (as demonstrated here would enable a much larger range of colours to be used.

Mark Jones commented
This is done in 4.0 but I would only ask for the ability to choose my own colours (to match the existing scheme used in my calendars) for easy recognition.
Also please allow the reordering of labels in the label edit screen so the ones we use most can be placed at the top of the label list.
Nola Welling commented
I agree, I would like to be able to customise the colour coding with labels. I also think it would work well if you could label a colour as short term, med term or long term focus. That way you can see that you are working on those things that you have listed as important.
Seth Karafin commented
I completely agree with Mark Jones
Mark Jones commented
I see today that there is a new UI for colour-coding targets, so really all this would need is to be able to associate a text label with a colour. The label could perhaps show as a tooltip when hovering over the colour in the legend to reserve space on the screen.
I like the way I can now filter the list by colour also.
Mark Jones commented
This feature could replace the previously planned "Life Modes" idea, which was being reconsidered as perhaps not so useful.