Ability to have Multiple Medium and Long Term Targets.
Ability to enter only one medium term and long term target is severely limiting. We don't just have one of these. We have many...Family, health, wealth, etc. Having to stuff everything into just one target with one target date makes the exercise pretty meaningless. We achieve each of our medium and long term targets at different a different pace. Some are more important than others. Being able to have multiple medium and long term targets is much more realistic and makes our short term planning more realistic as well.
Alex Mathai commented
I totally understand the idea of focusing on one thing at a time, but to only allow one long, medium and short target is remarkably unrealistic and more importantly inefficient. The program talks about the straight line to a goal, but in reality, that straight line is dashed - we don't/can't spend 24/7 on any one single target. For example, let's say I have a target of completing a project at work by a deadline and I also have a goal of helping my child learn their lines for their school play. They both are occurring during the same time period yet the system makes me choose only one. Really? I have to choose to provide for my family or neglect them? How does this make any sense? I completely agree with the idea of staying uncluttered and having to prioritize on a limited number of tasks, but only one is too much. Besides, one target is at work and the other is at home. These are completely non-overlapping areas of my life. I have to do both. I think simpleology should allow one target per area of one's life. So one for work, health, family, whatever. I love the simpleology system, and there's a lot of useful knowledge, but this limit of one target is crippling. I may have to devise my own method or see what else is out there to track my targets.