Search capability for Mental LockBox
Categories are useful, but a search to be able to quickly pull up lock boxed tasks to be able to move to Dream Catcher would be much more efficient than scrolling through pages looking for tasks that have moved up in the priority list and/or are now time relevant.

enjoy :-)
Feel free to post your feedback on this blog post:
Sergei Simdyankin commented
Disappeared in 4.0...
Mark Jones commented
Great idea. It would be good to implement this as "search as you type" so that it filters down the list in real-time to show matching items. If done webcockpit-wide, also show where the items are located.
Olga Simdyankina commented
Please add my vote too. Quick search becomes more relevant for me too.
Sergei Simdyankin commented
I second all comments here (with 3 votes). The search capability is sorely missed. I have to make additional entries of many things to Evernote simply because it becomes an increasingly gigantic task to find anything buried deep in the mental lockbox as more and more dreams get locked there.
Kane McConnell commented
Adding my vote. I wouldn't limit the search to just the lockbox. It'd be nice to have a quick search account-wide to search for that task or idea if you have a long list.
Laurence Hansen commented
In a similar vein, an extremely useful, if complex, enhancement would be an automatic search for dream catcher ideas that are similar or identical to entries already in the mental lockbox.
Margaret Ida Havens commented
Very true! Those of us with wide ranges of interests can get as bogged down in the lock box as we do in our own brains! "I know I was thinking about that a while ago, but where did I put it down?!"
Great idea!