ipad app

New Simpleology iPad App released today!
Simon Thomas commented
Actually this task hasn't been completed. Currently, you have an iPhone app only, not an iPad app as well. Maybe the developers don't actually use iPads, so they don't know the difference. An iPad app is built specifically for the iPad. At the very least, an iPad app needs to work at the native resolution of the iPad, instead of having to double the size of your iPhone app on the iPad (which makes things grainy) and turn the screen around. Plus, an iPad app uses all the screen real estate that the iPad offers. Look at the difference between Omnifocus for iPhone and Omnifocus for iPad as a reference. Additionally, the newer iPad apps are optimized for the new iPad's retina display.
Sharon Owen commented
I am on iPad all the time. Simpleology would be much easier to use there.
vern dirty commented
iPhone & iPad access Is needed as I use my iPad for everything
D'Arcy Mayo commented
Over the last month I've attended two conference with around 3,800 attendees.
One thing I noticed was that roughly 25-30% where using laptops or iPads ... iPads being slightly in the majority .. Including some of the presenters.
Since iPhone apps often work on iPads it should be simple to optiimize the planned iPhone app to work on iPads.
It would also be great the use Simpleology offline as it used to be with the old system
Peter Julian commented
It may be that for a start, you could just recreate the online cockpit in HTML5 or at least offer an non-flash button version of the cockpit.
Anonymous commented
It goes with me everywhere...