Wimiki to be adapted to Vista and Windows 7
As Simpleology is always on the edge of technology and science in the field of ideas and learning techniques - the Wimiki should be adapted to the current operating system Winodws 7 and Vista users shouldn't be left out.

Kim Celinder commented
Where do I find wikimiki, I can't find a download anywhere, and it is on the product page like you still have it.
Ali Ziyad commented
Wimiki works in my windows 7 system. Wonder why! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRA01jmGhBY
Anton Pavlov commented
MAC Version plz
Miguel Angel Ruiz T commented
Same to Mac OS, please!!!
Scarlet commented
I cannot use any of the Simpleology softwares since I my new computer has Windows Vista. Must be updated!
Karean commented
Seriously? Only 84 votes on this one? I love the program but have seriously considered cancelling since Wimiki doesn't work on either of my Vista pc's.
Augustine Iacopelli commented
Also make Browser Bodyguard compatible with Firefox.
Heidi commented
Can't use Wimiki, as not compatible with my computer W7
Charles commented
The others tools are not compatible with Win 7 either
Michael Wynne commented
Don't forget your Mac users Mark :-)