Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
Your Validation jpg/pdf is incorrect (
Your Validation jpg/pdf is incorrect ( It has "Observation" in the top right rather than "Validation".
3 votes -
Combine Major Focus With Stuff I Want
Combine Major Focus with Stuff I Want and it would be a lot easier of keeping track of what I am actually striving for.
We all have goals we want to accomplish now but we have so many other goals we have in mind.
I suggest we combine it and set as many focuses/stuff i want and allow to be a short term goal, mid, or long. and of course have a backwards planner and or mind map to help further the goal.
3 votesThis is already the case … You can set any Stuff I Want item as a Major Focus.
Email body as a comment to newly added dream
160 characters is very often not enough when adding dream catcher through email. Would be fantastic to use email body as an extended text which is displayed as comment in newly added dream.
3 votesMMS to Dream Catcher will now capture the body of your email messages as a comment.
Keep the targets in the same order when exporting or printing
Its really hideous that when I export the items or try to print the system shuffles them, the whole idea of prioritizing goes away when we do this
3 votesExporting targets should now appear in the correct order.
I would love to have the ability to add and manage my contacts
So much is centered on productivity, it would make sense to add my contacts, have e-mail ability, add & track notes, even add & track problem (ticketed) items.
3 votesYou may add and manage your Simpleology Contacts here –
Give the option to add an item right from the Daily Targets page
Sometimes I think of one more miscellaneous thing I have to do that day (follow up with someone via email, etc.) and in order to add it to my Daily Targets, I have to go to Start My Day and go through the entire filtering process. It would be great to have the option to add an item straight to the Daily Targets page. Thanks!
3 votesSimpleology Engines – – offers you the ability to easily route/process anything you add to Simpleology in a variety of ways. Check it out!
phone app
I have looked on Android for the phone app and cannot find it on Play store - is it available yet and if yes, where can I find it?
3 votesNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Linking Daily Targets with Projects
within the daily targets, there already exists a system to have each task delegated, scheduled, do it latter and even moved to lists.
However if you look at that list, you can make as many lists topics and have a task move to a particular list of your choice.
If the projects section was also in that category, then you would simply brain storm your ideas. find them in daily targets section and from their move them into relevant projects.
I have spent the last 2 hrs on simpleology working this out. And worked out that if this was done…
3 votesSimpleology now provides a way to move a Target to a Project as a Card directly from the Options Overlay.
How do I track responses that I'm waiting for, from others, so I can follow up if I don't hear back?
If I send a proposal to a client and I'm waiting to hear back, or they suggest that I circle back with them in a few months… Normally keep a "tickle" file to follow up with things like this. How do I do this using Simpleology?
3 votesHi Allison, you can do this by marking the item as “do later” and then putting in a reminder date. Then when you do Start My Day on or after that date it will be added to your Morning Brain Dump for you to consider whether you want to act on it :-)
3 votes
New Simpleology mobile web 1.0 released today!
Export Daily Targets to Swipes or
Since Simpleology doesn't (yet) have an iOS offline version, it would be useful if one could export their Daily Targets to some other task list app like Swipes or
This way, I always have my targets with me on my phone. (Although I can go old school and write them down on an index card, which is equally awesome :p)
3 votesMy.Simpleology now allows you to EXPORT any list in Simpleology; Daily Targets, Dream Catcher, Custom Lists, Trackers, Do It Later, etc. Hope that helps!
Needs to have a smartphone app, something like Toodledo!
I would love an app that functions similar to Toodledo, with web access and a version that syncs across all my mobile devices. I love the concepts of Simpleology, but have found myself using Toodledo instead because it is much easier to have access from my phone.
3 votesNew Simpleology mobile web 1.0 released today!
Under the Delegate and Schedule pages of Decide, the text "_next_step_" is underlined, but it is not a link.
I know that underlining was used for other purposes before the web, but in the context of a web page, if something is underlined, people expect something to happen when they click on it.
3 votesThe “next step” text has been updated. It is now a link you may click to advance to the next step of Start My Day.
Show project task symbols in the "Prioritize" module
Have the card symbol visible when the project tasks show up in "prioritize" so that they can be distinguished quickly from other tasks
3 votescard symbol now visible when the project tasks show up in “prioritize”
Delegate option
Allow multiple "Delegate" items to be checked and sent to the same person all together at once rather than having to type the same person's name & simpleology account/email address repeatedly to streamline the delegate page.
3 votesThe “mass select” feature of many lists within Simpleology allows you to delegate a group of tasks to a single delegatee, just as you requested.
Show labels in Recurring Task Module
Recurring tasks could be improved and further automated in many ways. Here I only ask for a simple improvement. The Recurring Tasks List needs to be ORGANIZED (divided into categories) to be accesible efficiently. I have organized using LABLES, however, they do not show in the module. Could you please make the label visible? Thanks.
3 votes“Labels” now appear on the Recurring Tasks step of Start My Day (among other new locations).
Add new lists directly from the decide view
When I'm in the decide view after having brainstormed a lot of new tasks and marked them with "deliberate" I get to choose to put them in a list. If the list isn't already created I have to go to the list tab and create a new list. That's breaking the workflow in an annoying way. If I could just add a new list directly from the pick list dropdown, I would have many less deliberated tasks messing up my do it later list.
3 votesWe have just updated My.Simpleology so that from the Lists selection menu of the options overlay or decide step of SMD … you may now add a “New List…” as the last option on the menu. Hope this helps!
put new items at top of Daily Targets by default
there was a change in March 2015 where new items from Start My Day started going to the bottom of the Daily Targets list making it difficult to get started on my important things for today. They should instead go to the top of the list as before, and then I can rearrange/prioritize from there.
3 votes -
New ritual duplicates steps
When I create a new ritual on desktop, it automatically puts in all the steps I just created in the ritual just before.
I would like it to start off blank, please.
Problem is solved by clearing my cookies, but I shouldn't need to do that every time I create a new ritual!
3 votesLatest release of Rituals (by Simpleology) has resolved the issue of duplicate steps. Be sure to update your App.
Turn task or idea in The Morning Brainstorm into a Project.
Have the ability in the interface to take a task / idea / thought in the The Morning Brainstorm and move it into an existing project as a task or create a new project with the task name as the project name.
3 votesSimpleology now provides a way to move a Target to a Project as a Card directly from the Options Overlay.
- Don't see your idea?