Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
Auto skip Delegate and Schedule It steps if no tasks are assigned to it
In the Decide phase, we have to go through Delegate and Schedule It steps even if there are no tasks classified to it. It would be great if the system can simply skip those steps if there are no tasks assigned to those areas in the Decide step.
11 votes -
out put your lists to your phone to check them off during the day as you complete them
out put your lists to your phone to check them off during the day as you complete them
1 voteNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
ability to put tasks in order via click and drag (in daily targets)
It would be great to be able to change the order that tasks appear in the list of tasks in daily targets via a click and drag type of mechanism
1 vote -
beautiful colors for categories, because I simply can't use it now without them.
Colors like bright orange, lavendar, lime green, bright pink, bright blue for the categories. If there's no color, I simply will not use a planner.Proven fact.
1 voteSimpleology Labels now allow you to select any color you’d like with a new convenient color-picker. Check it out!
Suggestion to have an app on IOS,
I would suggest to have an App on IOS which can help millions of people like me to use this in interesting productivity software in a more comfortable manner.
1 voteNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Make it Mobile Friendly
Please eith make Simpleology website mobile friendly or create a mobile app.
1 voteNew Simpleology mobile web 1.0 released today!
Black Belt status progress bar is empty and showing "0%" progress even though I have completed black belt 100%.
My black belt status progress bar is empty and showing "0%" progress (insert sad face) even though I have completed black belt 100% Que pasa?
1 voteCompleted Black Belt training now show 100% upon completion.
I would love to have the ability to add and manage my contacts
So much is centered on productivity, it would make sense to add my contacts, have e-mail ability, add & track notes, even add & track problem (ticketed) items.
3 votesYou may add and manage your Simpleology Contacts here –
show rolling last week for trackers
Currently the default for trackers is to show the current week, which means on Monday only showing one point in the graph. Better would be to show the "last 7 days", so everything from last Tuesday to Monday(if today is Monday), last Wednesday to Tuesday(if today is Tuesday). That way I can see if I'm doing better or worse without having to play around with custom date ranges.
1 voteWe’ve just updated trackers to include new date ranges to select from: All Time, Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days
Drag and Drop for Projects
Projects are great, but would love to prioritize them. How about drag and drop?
5 votesSimpleology Project Dashboard – – now allows you to create Folders for storing Projects, as well as drag-n-drop ordering of your Project list within any of these Folders. Hope that helps!
Project Management Tutorial(s)?
I'm happy to be upgraded to 5.5. but I've been looking for some video overview or tutorial on the new Project Management feature. I'm an engineer (manufacturing), and I guess my anticipation was something like MSProject. Thanks for the commitment to continuous improvement. Be well always!
5 votes -
I said befor that you need to ad SMS to dream catcher. But you guys are confused that SMS and MMS are not really the same
Find out the difference between SMS and MMS and ad the function of sending SMS to Dream catcher, because even though you say you have it you do not as you are using MMS.
1 voteWe currently only support MMS to Dream Catcher in order to keep it FREE for all Users.
If MMS isn’t working for you, try out New Simpleology Mobile version 1.0 … we just released it today –
to be able to add things to my to do list
once I've completed my list for the day, I get on with it. However as a consequence there are follow up actions and I'm not able to add them straight to my day's to do list.
1 voteThis can be accomplished with Engines … Please click “Do Today’s Training” and eventually a lesson on this will appear. If you need it now and can’t work it out, please contact support and they’ll be happy to help :-)
For Realtors
For the most part what I, and most Realtors need is the ability to create a checklist with the same 25 to do items, over and over again. The kicker is to find a software that will has the ability to preset the number of days each task in your list has before it is due. Instead of individually assigning 25 tasks times the number of files that come across your desk every day. Something that will make this process efficient. All you have to do is slap a name on the checklist, have the ability to add or delete…
1 voteThis is already possible with Recurring Tasks. Please let us know if this isn’t enough.
We do plan to enhance this functionality considerably very soon.
In Start My Day Expert mode, in the lower section for Decide, please add the indicator of which lines already have a reminder date set.
If there is no date, items could be forgotten, so I like for each Do Later to have a date.
2 votes -
very scary for something moved to calendar to be completely dropped.
What about "projects" where it will take multiple days? Also would
like a list of what was moved to a calendar so I know I thought of it in simpleology and am acting on it.2 votes -
Allow us to attach documents to actions, tasks, targets; this would allow project management
If we could simply attach documents this would allow for a "team" interface to manage projects and workflows across teams
2 votesSee Projects in 5.5
Be able to set categories for recurring tasks OR send them through the engines before adding them to the Daily Targets list
When I select recurring tasks to do today in Start My Day, I have to set the category for each of them every day. When one creates a recurring task, it doesn't hold on to the category, and when I try to put a prefix on a recurring task that's set up in my engines to put the task in a category, it doesn't happen when the recurring task is selected.
It's annoying to have to set these every day!
0 votesStart My Day > Recurring Tasks has been updated to retain the Labels you have set.
Not yet applied but in development, we will soon include the ability to see the Recurring Tasks with Labels before you copy them to your Brainstorm / Daily Targets list. That should help with quick decision making.
Keep the targets in the same order when exporting or printing
Its really hideous that when I export the items or try to print the system shuffles them, the whole idea of prioritizing goes away when we do this
3 votesExporting targets should now appear in the correct order.
I'd like to be able to arrange my daily targets list in the order I'd like to accomplish them
'd like to be able to arrange my daily targets list in the order I'd like to accomplish them
1 voteThis is possible with the Prioritize module of Start My Day.
- Don't see your idea?