Add a "Life Focus" tab to the Major Focus tabs
I have currently hijacked the "Long Term Focus" tab to place my "Life Focus" - this is the life goal or Ultimate Vision / Purpose that I am always aiming towards. I will likely never delete it or mark it complete because it is a life-long effort and I will only ever get closer to it, never reach it fully (I'm only human!).
It can be a spiritual thing. It can also be a moral or ethical principle a person wants to follow throughout their life.
It is important to me as a motivator and guide for all my focuses.
However, I do miss having a free tab for my Long Term focus and it being something that I can mark as complete.
Having an Ultimate Life Goal, one that supersedes, informs, guides, and motivates all other tasks is important and having this represented in Simpleology in some way that is a visible reminder everyday is vital towards keeping us on track and advancing. (I've noticed that Juggernaut Academy training points this out so having this tab would be in keeping with that.)
It would not take a lot of programming work or time to add a fourth tab that is the same as the other three (except the text).
It would not be a distraction from Short/Medium/Long Term Focuses but a reinforcer of them.
It does not need to be integrated with Stuff I Want or the Backward Planner as it does not need to be regularly replaced and, as an overarching vision, all of the other focuses, tasks, projects, etc. are implicitly aiming towards it. If it needs to be changed or edited, it can simply be edited from the Major Focus screen or the Start My Day module.

Mark Jones commented
I would like to add to this feature request: Reverse the order of the Major Focus tabs so that Life Focus is first followed by Long Term, Medium Term and Short Term focuses (or just reverse the order of the existing tabs if no new Life Focus tab is added).
The reason for this is, the Life Focus/Long Term focus should inform the Medium Term focus, which should inform the Short Term focus. With this in mind, it makes sense to complete, and refer to, the Life/Long Term focuses first during Start My Day before completing/referring to the Medium, then Short Term focuses. The latter tabs will then more likely be completed in the knowledge that they should support and inform the former tabs.