tell us how many times we'll be doing the same training
I'm starting to think that this is actually an intelligence test -- how many times will I click the same button and do the exact same thing before there is any acknowledgement that I have progressed? Part of the problem is that the system doesn't seem to be tracking correctly. I've lost at least 2 days that the streak counter for some reason decided to pretend I didn't do, one literally before my eyes when an "open in new tab" command didn't take. I would really like to move on and would feel more able to stay motivated if I knew how many more times I will have to do this same one.
And I'd like to echo someone else's comment about being able to skip videos that do not apply. I do not do the kind of work where one delegates and have spent way too many minutes sitting through those videos just so I can get to my daily targets.

We just now updated the Training Series in two ways:
1). When the day’s training starts, the first thing you will now see is a splash screen welcoming you to “day X” of your training, along with a line graph showing how many days you’ve completed, and how many you have left.
2). Throughout the days of each belt’s training you will see a few times the longer version of training, and the remaining days are shortened so that you can get to the “action” aspect of training sooner.
Hope these updates improve your experience. If you have further ideas, let us know!
Just a note to let you know that we updated the Training Series.
For those now earning their White or Yellow Belt, after Day #1 you will have full control of the video player -- including the ability to skip around/through the videos if that is your choice.
Hopefully this will allow us all to meet half way and satisfy everyone's agenda.
Orange Belt, I think you'll find, is a completely different experience (in a good way).
Lauren Smith commented
This is an improvement but there are still too many videos and they are too long.
No introduction is needed each day. We know what it says after the first time.Forcing us to load and then listen to a video which says "press the next button" is a waste of time. Just put a prompt on the screen.There is no need for any videos after the first walk through. Guiding us through with prompts is more than enough to form the habits. It is the doing not the listening to videos that forms the habit.
For those who want to the video repetition let the click a link on each prompt for the additional information.
In order to get to the instruction contained in the later training I have to wade through this stuff. You could at least provide documentation to provide all the later details so those of us who hate these videos don't need to go through this to get the information we want.
All I want and need are a set of prompts with optional video help.
After I feel I have digested the first set of training I should be able to add the next set of steps. It is still building the habit it just adds complexity.
I should not have to go through a ritual each day of playing through a set of videos so as to earn enough points to get the next set of instructions. I have already incorporated the focus and prioritisation so I don't even use the training to plan my day. I plan it and then go through the tedious video ritual to tick the box.
Please make the videos optional - I hate them!