Please allow us to change the color scheme. I find the gray, colorless screens uninspiring. Also, the color choices for labels are dull.

Simpleology Labels now allow you to select any color you’d like with a new convenient color-picker. Check it out!
John Douglas commented
The labels are an addition that improved some of the visual appearance, but the overall theme for the login would be better with selectable themes. Personally, I operate best with a dark theme - conducive to creativity. So a dark them would be nice - or system or browser theme. I think this would be a fantastic addition to what otherwise is a very cool and thought-out system. People do depend on their themes for their personal inspiration.
Jeni Bryant commented
I totally agree- one of the reasons I like gmail so much is the theme selection. I can change them according to how I am feeling that day:) Such a small thing, but it really does make it much more personal, fun, and cheerful.
Donna Manley commented
I agree. Please open up the color choices so everyone can have colors they LOVE. Thanks
Danny Guspie commented
Since you removed the color scheme I've not used the software. The colour coding was essenial as a visual reminder in everything I do. It's been WAY TOO LONG for this simple fix...WTF.
Mykola Kindrat commented
Totally Agree! Gray/Pastel is Dull, Boring and Uninspiring! After all, we want Passion in our Work, not Sedation! :)
S M commented
I also think there should be more color schemes. Looking at specific colors may insipire in specific way. Gray is a color that calms, but can also be a color that represses creativity. That is why it is always used in jails, to repress the creativity of criminals.
Not everybody needs calming all the time. It would be helpful if we could choose the color that we feel good looking at.
David Bailey commented
Never mind...I finally found this option already available in the system. :p
wes chang commented
i vote for black/darker or inverted blackground color scheme
Andrew Thomas commented
completely agree about the "labels" i need loads of color
Not bothered about sites over all color scheme