By Removing the Need to Reload the Page for Lists Functionality
When adding a new list from either moving or copying a daily target to a new list the first time works perfect. Then after that first item has been added to a new list one needs to refresh the page before other targets can be copied or moved. It appears that this refresh is needed so that the new list can be put into its alphabetical location in the right click options. Once I figured it out it became a non-problem, as once hitting F5 would solve it. It was kind of fun solving it, and it seemed it might be possible to remove that extra step.

Dylan Haddock commented
Yesterday was my first day using lists and it's an exciting new feature with huge potential. Also experimenting with the engines and using the colors. Great new features. It was a few months away from using Simpleology every day and it is so good to be back and exploring all the great new features and functionality. Thank you to everyone at Construct Zero and all those in the community of Simpleology Users for making this great tool-box available to the world. <3