"Picture says 1000 words" - could we upload and display images instead of, or as well as text? we think in pictures..
It occurred to me while I was setting a new goal, that I had a single image that summed up the end result, and because it was an image, it was, I felt a lot more powerful/motivating than text. I thought if I could login and see that image as a goal - it inherently contains/communicates the details neccesary in achieving it. Naturally you would use text/tracking etc as well to progress towards it. I thought it would be more powerful to have an image of what I want/to acheive along with text of what I need to do to get there wrapped around it - in support of the emotions evoked by the image so to speak.

David Harris commented
Create separate vision board - otherwise gets complex!
Ted Harge commented
I think they have now incorporated that into 'the new projects' in the simpleology 5.5 update
sid merwin commented
This is interesting indeed. Also correlates with human nerve function, if associated with the list functions would insure follow through (for the pleasure of the image, which brings one back to the post and list as well more frequently) and doing it better as well, as the double sided brain use will keep open the incubator of new and more and more successful approaches to doing that task, or bring the user to a new tangent that will enhance their idea. Brava!
Tip Kilby commented
This would be like incorporating my "Dream Board" into my planning system! Visualize!