Enable Recurring Tasks Online
While it's great to be able to use the Wimiki alarms to set recurring tasks, and I thank you for your efforts, there are many of us who cannot use the wimiki due to company computer policies. The beauty of the online Daily Tasks is that we can easily take our lists with us and add, delete as we go. And most importantly, there is no software to download.

Check out the new “Recurring Tasks” feature – http://www.simpleology.com/blog/2012/06/finally-recurring-tasks.html
Gloria Silveira commented
I'm really, really looking forward to this!! I do some tasks every day and some every week, and I wish I could add them somehow to simpleology
Sreethi Nair commented
Awesome!! Really looking forward to it!! :D
Sreethi Nair commented
This will be really useful!! Looking forward to this option! Now, I have to either type in the tasks/targets everyday...or copy them to dream catcher before I knock them off my list. But I still have to 'remember' to put them in...If I could schedule the tasks to recur automatically, it would be a great load off my mind!
David Schneider commented
This would be amazing! So many of my daily targets need to be done every single day and many more multiple times per week or month. Not only is it tedious to constantly be entering them manually in the Brain Dump, but its inevitable that I always forget to add something. To be able to store a list of recurring items to be done every single day or on specific days of the week/month would save a bunch of time and worry. For instance, to have a routine that I set up for each day of the week automatically show up in my brain dump on the appropriate day would be tremendous. Especially if they show up in the order in which we arrange them during the initial set up. That would make sorting our daily targets much smoother. Just an example of a possible solution.
great suggestions - we'll be looking at this when we start improving the overall functionality of everything at the beginning of next year