Fill in gaps to have Simpleology be a more perfect implementation of David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. It's so close already!
You've already got some very close mappnigs: Dreamcatcher is the universal inbox. You have four of the six needed output lists with fantastic monitoring
Project list - Mental Lockbox? (needs a space for a next action that will push itself into start my day)
someday maybe list - is partially implemented in the Mental Lockbox but no real way to distinguish it from active projects
Waiting for- is the delegation station. i'd love it to remind me to follow up without my having to look.
Calendar - Done already.
Next action to do list is the Daily Targets (beautifully done) can you add context (at phone, computer, home, office)
Really great process Mark! Thanks you've revolutionized the way I work!

Sharon, reading Mark Jones' comment below ... would that satisfy what you're looking for? If so, let's get these set up as different requests ...
hi Sharon, we're not familiar with that system ... can you mention the two features you feel we need to get you what you want and an explanation as to how it would work and why it would be useful? thanks!
Mark Jones commented
I think you should post these again as just separately-posted suggestions as you'll likely get more attention and votes that way.
Also, I think it would be better not to include references to David Allen's methodology as probably most of us won't have heard of him and won't want Simpleology to become a copy of another methodology. It also clouds the request with too much detail.
E.g. you could post 4 new suggestions like this:
Suggestion 1: Add a way in Mental Lockbox to link targets so that when one target is completed the other moves to Start My Day. (I think that's what this one means but I'm not sure because I don't know Dave Allen's method)
Suggestion 2: Add a way to differentiate active and non-active targets in Mental Lockbox. (I think this could actually be done by using the categorizing feature already in the ML)
Suggestion 3: Add a reminder date to Delegation Station to follow up with delegatees.
Suggestion 4: Add location context to targets (e.g. at phone, computer, home, office)
I think some of these could be incorporated if they meet the Simpleology goals of making things more simple, though I don't think they would add value for me, personally.