Observation Log Barriers & Multipliers
I sometimes think of effective barriers to leech generating actions. If I am able to remember & apply the remedy long enough the leech is gone. Leeches can be persistent & slippery & forgotten incredibly fast.
I'd love the barrier or booster multiplier to feature on our Daily Target Sheet, not as a target item to be completed today, instead as a "First Aid" Section above our actions in red, to be kept there until the new barrier was working, or the booster multiplyer is now a habit.
In the "Observation Log" currently just the observation is recorded, with the barrier or booster multiplier appearing on the daily target sheet. I'd love to see our both the leech barriers & booster multipliers also recorded in the Observation Log.

Mark Jones commented
I think the move has recently been away from cluttering the Daily Targets screen with additional items.
I know what you mean, though. Sometimes for me a barrier doesn't necessarily fit as a daily target e.g. "Avoid Facebook between 9am and 5pm" isn't something you mark off as done at the end of the day but something you want to see as a constant reminder until it becomes an ingrained habit. But I am not sure the additional screen space on the Daily Targets screen would be a worthwhile trade-off as how much are you looking at this screen while you work anyway? Putting a sticky-note on the monitor might work better?
I usually try to think of a barrier/booster as an actual action I can take that day that helps me reinforce it proactively, e.g. if it's to not use Facebook during work hours, I would add a daily target: "Install Firefox Leechblock extension / Simpleology Browser Bodyguard addon and configure to block Facebook during work hours". Then, if that doesn't work, I would think of another one to do the next day to make it even ****** to cross the barrier. The key for me to making the barriers/boosters work is making an actual action to take rather than just noting a principle or idea to remember.
For 2. It's an interesting point you raise about listing barriers and boosters in the observation log too. I wonder how often people actually look at this log anyway? (It's been said it's more the act of making the log entry that reinforces the good behaviour than reviewing the log itself). I agree it would be good to at least see the barriers and boosters again when facing the Observation Log again during Start My Day.
So what sort of items would you put in the "First Aid" section of the Daily Targets screen?