Publish an API so that developers could create applications that integrate with Simpleology
That way for sure there'll be tons of developers creating apps for web, iphone, ipad, android, and whatever other platform that appear on the market.

Chuck Tomlinson commented
it's in 5.9 -- although, it could use a "/dream-catcher/list" endpoint..
Clark Miller commented
Jay Venenga commented
Agree with this one. I've been working on Alexa skills. It'd be great to be able to tell my Alexa to add dream catcher items, get the next item on my task list, mark an item done, etc...
Alex Bernier commented
This is probably the best idea here. It will allow many other user's ideas to be fulfilled through external apps. A good way to take care of everyone.
An easy way to get this started is to allow a service like Zapier or IFTTT to create triggers that have actions in other apps.
Jon Brown commented
I imagine there are a lot of people, like me, who like Simpleology for managing their own daily tasks, but use another PM system for company wide multi user project management. In that regard and API is really critical so we can trigger events in Simplology based on actions there.
I'd love it if whenever a task was assigned to me in Jira, Asana, Redbooth, Basecamp, etc... it showed up in a Simpleology dreamcatcher. IFTTT/Zapier could easily manage this is Simplelogy had an API. Even better would be if upon marking it complete in Simpleogy marked it complete where it came from. Obviously again Zapier/IFTTT could manage that if Simplelegoy had an API.
That's the dream though. RIght now I'd settle for being able to copy tasks to Evernote.
Jon Brown commented
Definitely needs an API.
The most simple need is just so I can setup Zapier to add items to the dream catcher based on triggers in other places (Evernote, HipChat, Git WebHooks).
Huteri Manza commented
I would love to see this planned, I can help you build what you need and your subcribers need, and I will give it all free. Please make it planned
Mikel Perez commented
It would also be very benefitial for everyone (especially developers) if you created an affiliate program.