Output lists of targets to a printer / PDF
Add a button on each screen of the WebCockpit to print/export the list of targets, appropriately formatted, to a printer or PDF document.
This would help those who work away from a computer but don't have smart phones (or otherwise just prefer paper).
All sections of the WebCockpit should be printable for off-line use, but most importantly, Daily Targets.
The printed/exported Daily Targets list should have checkboxes added next to each target (achievable using CSS print rules) so that people can tick off completed targets on the paper.

Chris Vicente commented
Absolutely agree with this. This would be amazing to have this feature in the delegation station so I can print off "To-Do" lists for my employees with one click.
Stephen Guillen commented
I prefer working with pencil and paper regardless. Being able to print the list makes it easier.
YES... This would be a great help to me to be able to print any list I have created... some lists grow way over 30 items and can't be seen all at once on the computer screen unless we could print them out, or export them to a program that could fit 100 or more to a page in small type...this would really help and I see it is mostly in place for the daily targets page... THANKS
Geoffrey McNeely commented
Just adding detail to this request. I expect something like what is described in this article: http://designshack.net/articles/css/6-thinks-i-learned-about-print-stylesheets-from-html5-boilerplate/
Basically, having a @Media: Print {} stylesheet will customize how a page would print (like turn off any floating divs, etc.) and then you can print any page and it will print beautifully without having to copy/paste it.
yes, I can export to CSV and then open in excel and print, but this is simpleology and we're being more productive. By having the print handled you cut out multiple steps :) - export | open in Excel | check formatting | print. Instead it would be - print.
Carissa Neuharth commented
It'd be nice to have a button to hit to print the items without having to email it to you or transfer it into a spreadsheet. Something that has the check list boxes on it. A one button print that only prints the list without having to print the entire web page would be spectacular and much more helpful than emailing it to myself, etc. Sometimes when I'm doing things around the house or have a really busy long day, I just want something I can glance at like a paper list.
Mark Jones commented
That works for me. It was more of a cool feature idea from my perspective than something I felt I really needed and I'm not really a pen/paper guy (I even forgot I posted this!) so if anyone else really wants this they should speak up.
If you go ahead on it, no need for any special PDF features, I think, as PDF printer drivers are a dime a dozen. Perhaps just use print stylesheet to remove all the menus and just print the list of targets?
If not, we can still print the email or import CSV into a spreadsheet and print that.
Hey Mark, we have the export to Email, CSV, TSV, and SMS options now (look in the upper right corner of your Daily Targets). Does this do the trick or do you need something different?
Mark Joyner
Maya Saric commented
definitely need this otherwise day list is useless waste of time to create here rather than directly in Outlook