During the DTP, display the list of unfinish / DreamCatcher targets on the Morning Brain Dump screen
So we don't accidentally add them again if they are already on the list from the day before or entered into the DreamCatcher.
At the moment we don't see these until the last few sections of the Daily Target Praxis and it's easy to forget which targets have already been automatically included from unfinished targets or from the DreamCatcher.

Mark Jones commented
This is now complete in 4.0 so I am reclaiming my vote. Many thanks! :-)
Mark Jones commented
I'm for removing all unnecessary steps and simplifying (of course!) things as much as possible!
Christopher Webb commented
What I do is I review my Lockbox first, move any of those items into Dream Catcher I want to today that day, and then review dream catcher, so I know what's in there before the DTP.
We use to be able to move Dream Cather items into Daily Targets but that option has been taken away in the last week or so.