Add a timer and time allocation to tasks/targets
To assign time blocks to tasks, ie 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 2hrs etc so we can estimate time needed for the day. A countdown timer would also be cool when we start a task/target so we dont get caught up wasting time. This creates a sense of urgency

Scott Anderson commented
does anyone still use this tool successfully? I have had nothing but issues from the lack of instructions to the annoying learning format. I am trying to stick the course but I hate this software style
Terrel Shumway commented has some good stuff in this area.
Scott Anderson commented
any update?
Nancy Larisey commented
A reminder to do the tasks that lead to your major goal first and then start you day to fill in the necessary work that fills in your day. Like the story of building a terrarium. the wisdom in choosing your rocks first, then the small rocks, the pebbles and sand will fall into the remaining part of the day. That way you know you have completed the most import part of your day to lead to your ultimate goal. If you do the pebbles or sand first there will be no room for the big rocks that really matter the most. We already know it but need a reminder when we get off course
Will McKnight commented
Simple Pomo timer.. Take a look at this program, Simple and has tracking.. something along those lines. 25/5 duration. with 15 min break after 4 complete pomos
Jason K commented
Why not use a timer from your phone or buy a timer from a supermarket. That's what I did
Justin Wheeler commented
A combination of this and the ability to have my scheduled tasks on an internal Simpleology calendar that are automatically added would be what would make this a must use software solution and worth paying for. Be great to see it developed along with the calendar which is the second most requested feature.
It's a shame that both of these date back from original mentioning 4 and 3 years but doesn't look like either have had any input from the simpleology team as to why they are not possible or why they haven't been done yet.
kurt petrich commented
another UI for the timer might be similar to what David Seah is doing. So that it becomes kind of like a game. You fill in little rounded squares for every 15 minutes, or the system does it automatically for you. GoalsOnTrack has used this idea as well. Pomodoro type timers are generally a good idea. But I want to see how many "Pomo's" I've spent today or how many i did for a given task. Or... how many Pomo's have I devoted to this task so far (if i'm writing a book, lets say. how many pomo's did i spend on chapter 1).
John Pulley commented
I agree with Steven. I know the integration may take a bit of programming, but this would really impact planning more effectively.
Steven Metzger commented
For me, the perfect improvement would be a combination of the timer function (Nirvana has an excellent setup) with an interface to Google and other calender programs that would allow the user to see the open time slots on their calender, and then drag and drop tasks into the available slots based on the time required to complete them.
Shauna VanderHoek commented
Oh yeah - me too! My most productive days are when I've listed all my activities on paper, allocated time to each task, total the estimates and KNOW I'd better get moving because I have a 10-hour day planned!... and then a lot gets done!
rita delongchamp commented
Distractions are inevitable. I would love one pop up that I could quickly create myself (like dream catcher): Examples: Are you on task? Can this be done later? Leave email now! No facebook allowed! Get back to goal. :)
Dominic Delf commented
I logged in to ask for this item, to find at top of list. Also want to add why not have a days/ weeks countdown timer to for short / medium goals set. In line with the urgency of completing targets this would also prove to be a powerful focus.
Alex Mathai commented
needs to be available via mobile or portable to some other mobile app. have plenty of tasks that require me to be away from my laptop...
Jason Reese commented
Integration with Toggl and GoalsOnTrack type software would be awesome.
Tony Lotven commented
I would like to add for those of us that spend a lot of time working on a computer, that a "time out" timer every 20-25 minutes to step away from the computer would be very helpful. Once I am on a roll, I tend to ignore the need for planned breaks. My own searching of research, both scientific and anecdotal, has shown repeatedly that productivity levels for people on computers is diminished significantly without breaks. On the other hand, breaks tend to increase productivity. So for me, a "break time" function would be a great prompt, just like the browser blocker reminds me to stay away from surf exploring. Thanks
Kathleen Lloyd commented
The pomodoro approach is great, and I use the app alongside simpleology without undue drama. But, the idea from Ivan and Roo Roo re cumulative time capture and tracking would be magnificent.
Serhat Soylu commented
i was about to request exactly this feature and seen it is requested already by the fellow members. It seems we have a likeminded community here. To get an idea on how it could look like please check action machine. It is based on pomodoro approach and functions great. I am using simpleology with the action machine and i can say it definitely helps me to stay on track because i set myself a deadline for each task i have. This makes me do the thing exactly in this time frame. It would be great if the Simpleology team can implement a similar system. Thanks
Scott Clayson commented
This is soo funny..I was just coming over here to make this suggestion and lo and behold it is the first one on the list AND is planned..AWESOME!
Simon Waxman commented
Yes, I particularly like the idea of a timer. This would useful to record how long a task is taking/has taken right there on the system and to be able to archive that information with the task.