Let people create & share checklists so members can become each others' accountability partners
Checklists can be for one-time goals or to maintain a daily or weekly routine. Find a checklist you like and add it to your profile. Do it on your own or join in a group to hold you accountable. See when group members do (or miss) their tasks.

David Laszlo commented
Half of this functionality is already there (sort of). There is a function to email-export lists. Unfortunately the option to choose an "other" email is actually a dummy, and doesn't work, so you can only email lists to yourself. They should enable that function first, then develop more sophisticated ways of working with accountability partners. In the meantime, they should lose the timewasting dummy function, which looks really amateur.
John Pulley commented
Awesome to hear that this is planned!
Dave Mackey commented
Really excited about this!
sid merwin commented
..and comment kindly so you are really helping, not using to vent your own stuff, eh!
I'd take that one step further and create general task boxes where people could ask for "Timed tasks" "Tough decisions" or whatever. Then a Simple. member can decide where they could help best and go there, pick another member's request, as well as leave their own requests in a place that someone appropriate is likely to truly respond..
Eventhe act of naming the category can also help clarify the task and its true nature, which in turn helps to get to the core of completing it truly.
Augustine Iacopelli commented
I had thought this would be a good feature for volume licensing for small/medium sized workgroups. I would be nice as a manager to be able to see my employees "work-related" daily targets. This would help with utilizing the delegation features of DTP and would help with general office accountability measures and leveraged task followup.
Tom Siegel commented
I am most interested in creating checklists. In my work I write appraisal reports for commercial real estate. My reports follow a certain format. I would like to be able to create a checklist pertaining to my work so that I can hit the same targets over and over again until I get old and am not able to do it any longer or until I get off my %$& and start this business that I am working on. I'm sure that I will need checklists for that as well. Thanks.