Online Course Checklist for all Simpleology courses (ie. no printer needed)
For those who prefer running online (or have no printer) ... a course checklist where you can 'check' the items off online ... as well as 'write down your answers' by typing. Then, if you do have a printer, you can print your 'typed' version.

As we are closing out courseware this project is no longer relevant … This should clear up some votes for folks to suggest or vote on new features :-)
emanuele venditti commented
thumbs up to this idea. Printing hundreds of pages is soooo wasteful! And I don't know about you guys, but over the years (of typing) my handwriting has gotten really bad and my hand gets tired very quickly writing with a pen so it would really help to be able to type into the Checklist rather than write!
Roger Mitchell commented
Spend pretty much all my time online right now, so a GREAT idea!
Brian Powell commented
Definitely not a laggard idea....I do everything digital and if its paper I make it digital and upload it....Paper systems are archaic when you have an Ipod Touch, sleek mobile PC, and Kindle everywhere you go.
Flash could do some fancy and entertaining tricks to make learning the material even more fun and sensory.
Mathieu Groulx commented
Obvious good option. Go! :)
Cee Cee commented
Helping the Planet, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sean Patrick Simpson commented
Agree with Frances : some of us have awful handwriting (Product idea Mark: 'Simpleology Great Handwriting series ;-) ---
Frances A Benoit commented
Typing will increase our ability to accomplish more in a day. I have a problem with hand writing and type everything I do. I also like to have my thoughts recorded on my computer so I can go back to them. I once had hand written notes all over the house until I put OneNote on my computer. I can now find everything I have written. I would like Simpleology to be organized so I can find my material and see my progress online.
Mark Joyner commented
interesting comments guys ... we're taking this into consideration for the next round of improvements after 2.0
idamwenhor commented
it the wao
Marcus commented
Yes, I agree this is an excellent idea! Probably the easiest to accomplish as well. I hope this continues to be the number one favorite. Thanks Sean for suggesting this option to vote on.
Cedric commented
I understand that re-reading the comments in your own handwriting helps reinforce the fact that YOU have written those yourself, making the experience more "real".
Having said that, I'd much rather write electronically than physically. Being a writer by profession, I often write and rewrite before committing something for good. I just love to have my thoughts recorded in as eloquent a way as possible. Definitely my favourite feature.
Clay Franklin commented
I never stay focused very long so keeping track of what I have reviewed will be beneficial. So check marks for each item within a class or module or bonus material etc. will help me keep track of what I have done when I get back to that module. An automated system with a color change or other indication of what I have opened and reviewed may also work. Thanks Mark!
Tim commented
I think the idea of printing the checklist or virtuosity books is part of the learning psychology of simpleology. Having a hard copy, and physically writing out the answers to the questions helps integrate it mentally. I just do it at work, and print one day's lesson at a time, so it's not noticed immediately.
Bob commented
Jeromy commented
aking808 commented
This is one of my biggest headaches right now. I don't have a working printer--and seldom have one when I travel, anyway. I don't like not completing Simpleology, but copying everything into a notebook takes too much time.