Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
daily targets add tasks
Adding tasks to Daily Targets directly (instead of dreamcatcher->start my day)
6 votesYou can do this with an Engine or with the options overlay … (go through the belt training to learn how to do this)
To be able to activate/deactivate certain features to be part of Start My Day
As part of 'Start My Day' you may or may not wish to do things such as 'Ben Franklin Habits' or 'Financial Growth' or 'Observe & Change'. The ability to switch some of these things off may benefit those who just wish to complete certain activities
2 votesThis is already possible … try clicking the icons for each feature.
Email body as a comment to newly added dream
160 characters is very often not enough when adding dream catcher through email. Would be fantastic to use email body as an extended text which is displayed as comment in newly added dream.
3 votesMMS to Dream Catcher will now capture the body of your email messages as a comment.
drawing lesson
on videos like on the simpleology 3
1 vote -
8 votes
It has just been released with Simpleology 5.5 :-)
Combine Major Focus With Stuff I Want
Combine Major Focus with Stuff I Want and it would be a lot easier of keeping track of what I am actually striving for.
We all have goals we want to accomplish now but we have so many other goals we have in mind.
I suggest we combine it and set as many focuses/stuff i want and allow to be a short term goal, mid, or long. and of course have a backwards planner and or mind map to help further the goal.
3 votesThis is already the case … You can set any Stuff I Want item as a Major Focus.
1 vote
I would like a number for "" to be used with a phone that don't have Internet support?
number that I can text too...
1 vote -
Your Validation jpg/pdf is incorrect (
Your Validation jpg/pdf is incorrect ( It has "Observation" in the top right rather than "Validation".
3 votes -
Should be able to make sub-task templates for recurring sub-task lists on various projects
Is there a way to create templates of recurring sub-tasks for projects/tasks we are looking to do?
1 voteAlready part of the system …
Skip pages with no actions
I very seldom have items to schedule - I use reminders function - and have no one to delegate to. Can system automatically skip those screens and their subsequent "Next" clicks?
2 votesWe’ve just applied an update to Start My Day that now recognizes how many tasks you have in your Brainstorm list and skips “blank” or “empty” Start My Day steps that do not have tasks to process.
This update is only true if you are NOT going through “Do Today’s Training”. If you are going through “Do Today’s Training”, to accommodate the lessons / presentations of the training, the “blank” or “empty” steps will not be skipped.
Check it out and let us know what you think.
Allow to go back to the training of a certain belt or even better, a particular day of a certain belt
Even after I complete training for each belt, I may not use all the good features which are mentioned in the training videos daily. But once a while, I would like to be able to visit the training to re-learn the tricks.
1 voteJust ask Customer Care and they’ll put you on whichever belt you like :-)
Simple way to invite someone to Simpleology
I would like a feature inside Simpleology that would make it easy for me to send an invitation to Simpleology.
My preference would be that Simpleology provide a brief one page intro to Simpleology and allow me to add a personal note.
It should be automatically identified as coming from me.
Now I just send an email with a link and type out something personal for them.1 voteIn simpleology 5.5 you can now import your entire contact list …
Incorporate previous Do It Later tasks into Start My Day
In addition to displaying the unfinished tasks from the previous day, it would be great to see all the things I knew I wouldn't have time to get to, so I can again choose from that list for today.
1 voteGlenda,
To accomplish what you’re asking for, when you move an item to the “Do It Later” list, opt to set a reminder date of when you want to review that item again.
All items with a reminder date set will appear in Start My Day on or after said date, for you to process.
For your specific request we recommend you set a reminder date of tomorrow when you move something to “Do It Later”. That way, tomorrow when you perform Start My Day, those items will re-appear for you to process.
Hope that helps.
ability to delete engines
ability to delete engines
1 voteMark,
The ability to delete engines does exist. Simply log into My Simpleology and click on the “engines” navigation link. This will take you to –
Once on the Engines page, simply click the “trash can” icon and you will be asked if you really want to delete the engine. If so, click OK and the engine will be deleted.
1 vote
Just contact Customer Care and they’ll be happy to re-set you …
Option for Dream Catcher item to be put into current daily tasks
If I forget something on my brain dump and think of it later, I have to redo start my day to get it onto my daily task list for today. Then most of my daily tasks are an ugly gray because all of them have been through the process before and are daily tasks not done. This is very uninspiring to have everything gray, to say nothing of the time it wastes to have to do start my day again!
3 votesDelaine,
Check out Simpleology Engines – – which will allow you to quickly route items you add to the Dream Catcher or Start My Day simply by including “keywords” to trigger the action.
Many Users have “dt” set up to route anything that starts with “dt” directly to their Daily Targets when the item is added to the Dream Catcher or Start My Day.
You should check it out.
Export List - Email or SMS
Ability to send list to email or SMS, like we can our Daily Targets. Especially good for shopping lists. :)
7 votes -
1 vote
To change your password, while in click on your NAME in the upper right corner. A menu will appear.
From the menu select the first option, “Update Profile”. This will take you to – – where in you may change your password and other profile information.
If you run into any other problems or question, please don’t hesitate to contact support –
create a cancel membership option because I cannot reach anyone through customer care. btw. delete my membership ASAP.
1 voteResponding via
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