Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
2 votes
done! we are in every internet-connected country on the planet :)
Get Rid of the New Banner Ad - The one with the Girl on
Please, please, please get rid of the new banner pop up (the one with the girl on). It's REALLY annoying and just gets in the way. I'm not even sure what it's for.
3 voteswe agree! she’s gone :)
a reminder to appear every x(selectable) minutes with text,sound,video/picture, small or full screen
I would like to be able to compose a reminder (to rest or do something else that I want to be reminded of at set intervals of time), i which I can enter my message to myself in text (with choice of fonts, if possible), sound (recorder included in the settings window would be a convenience), picture or short video. To have the option to include any one or all of these together, to set the time intervals (or also specific times of the day) and also choose the way this would appear on my screen (size: small or full…
3 votesdone! the Wimiki does exactly this
Simplify Simpleology overall, say "NO" to most of the ideas
It is SIMPLEologoy after all. It will suffer if even 40% of all these ideas will be implemented.
Further reading:
20 votes -
Updates of All Simpelology Software for compatibility to Windows 7.
Most of the softwares are not updated to be compatible to Windows 7 platform.
Appreciate it can be updated.
47 votesdone!
Simplify the home page for Simpleology.
Reorganize the home page to go directly to the course that you're on and have it tie in to your tasks.
9 votes -
7 votes
done! you can move calendar items to Google Calendar and any iCalendar compatible calendar now …
2 votes
73 votes
New Simpleology iPad App released today!
Enable Recurring Tasks
To create good habits I need to repeat the task min 30 days and I don't want to re-enter it every day. I think it is already on it's way but just in case ;)
241 votesthis is now available in the Wimiki as “alarms” … please re-post if you want another implementation of this idea!
321 votes
New Simpleology mobile web 1.0 released today!
3 votes
See the new Simpleology Browser Add-On for Chrome:
mobile webapp version webcockpit
A mobile online version of the webcockpit is the best comporomise to resolve the problem o which mobile platform to cater for. Good live example, GMAIL mobile. Available to all platforms. Easy to adapt and load into iGoogle, firefox sidebar, etc
192 votesNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Export tasks to text/xml/csv/etc..
To allow import into virtually any other tool
25 votesExporting now supported on Daily Targets
2 votes
we agree :)
Ability to move items from medium target to short or long term as needed or from Life to term target
Long term target may need to shift to Life as some major change or medium to short or short to medium -- Things totally outside your control can speed things up or vastly delay.
124 votesThis is done, you can change this inside the Stuff I Want section by changing to Short, Medium or Long Term in the drop down menu.
Delegation with target dates that make those targets show up on those dates to check off as done..
Currently there is no way to track delegated tasks adequately (i.e. check back in on the day they are due). It would be great to integrate them automatically in the daily target practice on the date they are due.
47 votesnow available
Update Desktop Cockpit for Vista and Windows 7
Just as with the Wimiki, Simpleology being on the edge of things really requires that the software be up to date!
200 votesdesktop cockpit functionality has now been rolled in to the Wimiki – and the new Wimiki works with Windows 7 :-)
30 votes
A way to schedule tasks into Simpleology (rather than having to keep track of them somewhere else)
I'd love to be able to just dump everything I've thought of for the next week and then schedule it out to show up in my "must do" list on that scheduled day.
486 voteswe are marking this as “complete” beause the Mental Lockbox Reminders, Dream Catcher, etc will handle most of what is asked for here – and there are really a dozen or so different ideas represented in all of the comments … if you feel this isn’t correct, please re-post with very specif instructions on what you’d like us to build – then we’ll see how the community responds :-)
- Don't see your idea?